I suggest that Mom chooses her outfit first. When you feel beautiful and comfortable in what you are wearing, everyone in the family will feed off that energy during the session and make the experience more enjoyable. Choosing two to three colors and building the outfits from those can help tie it all together. If mom doesn't have an outfit that she is in love with, I suggest finding one outfit for anyone in the family that is a must and build the rest from that. I love helping come up with ideas of what to wear and can go over suggestions with you once we book your session!
These can also be done at your home and capturing an activy that includes everyone laughing and loving each other!​
I offer a few different packages for newborn photos. Again since I love more natural photos, I gravitate towards Fresh 48 and Newborn Lifestyle sessions. ​
Fresh 48 Sessions take place within approximately the first 48 hours ​of baby being born at the birth place. They are to capture those first moments of kisses and snuggles. The little details that most forget during the hustle and bustle with nurses and doctors coming in and out. For more information regarding these sessions, please contact me as more details can be given on an individual bases for your birth plan!
Newborn Lifestyle sessions take place at your home and can be done anytime after baby is born. These are by far my most favorite session to photograph. The bond that is captured on your bed or in a rocking chair in the home that your baby will grow up in is a session that will last a lifetime! As babies love to be swaddled and sleep the newer they are, I do like photographing these sessions around 5-10 days new. However, these sessions are not only limited to that time frame. For more information regarding these sessions and when you feel comfortable to have someone in your home, contact me and we can discuss your desires.